Gilliam Writers Group Blog
Conventional Education and the Creativity Crisis
Since the dot com boom and the entrance of millennials into the workplace, creativity seems to have become an increasingly valued asset in the US economy. But for some reason, Americans’ divergent thinking scores have been declining since the time of the internet’s appearance.
Passive vs. Active Learning
When did you last hear of a teacher inviting students to speak up when they’re bored, or when a lesson isn’t engaging them? Our standard educational model does not encourage learners to honor their own desire to learn. In fact, it trains them to suppress this desire when it goes unfulfilled, in order to avoid disrupting the flow of the lesson.
What Do Students Owe?
Young people gain less and less in exchange for attending school – specifically in terms of intellectual competency and employment prospects – yet education today is more time-consuming and future-determining than ever. In the US, upward mobility is declining and the quality of public education is poor. Students and their families compensate by working harder, paying more (for tutors and name-brand schools), and participating in more extracurriculars.
Brief Notes on Method: Writing Tutoring Online
A deeper look at the module-style writing lessons that our online writing tutors design for students here at GWG.